April 2, 2015

30 Day Blog Challenge

Some AO ladies were lamenting about how they don't post on their blogs regularly, or that they are afraid we have nothing new/important/interesting/unique to say.  I am in that camp some days.  But no one else is me with my individual past, perspectives and current experiences, and no one else is you, either. :)  Thus, the 30 day blog challenge was born.  Each day in April (minus Sundays, so it is actually 26 days), I am committing to posting *something*.  Hopefully that something will be interesting to someone other than me, but if nothing else, I will have a good record of this month!

Today we are working on week 3 of AO year 4.  In addition, we are loading plastic Easter eggs for the homeschool gathering tomorrow, where I will read an Easter story, hide eggs for the kiddos, and some other moms will help with the dying (note: must remember to boil several eggs today).

We will be doing some more tidying up as well, since my parents will be in town this weekend.  I'm hoping they will enjoy the community Easter pageant with me (I'm playing in the handbell choir), and the chorale singing on Sunday morning.  We also plan on taking The Boy to an egg hunt Saturday that comes with a free spinal screening (this is sponsored by my chiropractor!).

Tonight my church is holding a Maundy Thursday service, with the choir singing some beautiful songs, if I do say so myself, followed by a short message and Lord's Supper (this is the Southern Baptist version of communion).

I hope you are enjoying your Holy Week!


  1. Neat- a Maundy Thursday service! I've been to one and at the time had absolutely no idea what it was. It was very informative and interesting.
    I read through your post more than once because I just am out of it today. I often hear strange things when people say perfectly ordinary things. So some of the ladies would be dying and you are in the handball choir. Yep- I read it more than once and got it right :)

    1. haha!!! It did occur to me that 'dying' might be misunderstood :)

  2. Nice. I'm glad you are in this challenge.


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