June 4, 2016

Its Been A Year!

It has been a full year since we got the diagnoses .  The information has sunk into my brain, and several books on Asperger's, ADHD, and processing speed have been read.   The therapies have become routine, and small changes have been happening.  Mostly, I'm learning to accept he is who he is and to have more realistic expectations of what he can and cannot do, and where those lines are drawn.  My husband is unofficially an "Aspie" too, so we are learning about all this together.

Falls of St. Anthony, Twin Cities
I feel like we all have grown as a family.  Closer together, yes, but also moving forward together.  There were several things ending and beginning this past year and it feels like maybe we are "getting somewhere", you know?

Year Review by the Numbers

48 sessions of weekly speech and occupational therapies
42 weeks of school - AO Year 4 completed
24 days of swimming last summer (and starting again tomorrow!)
12 games of soccer
7 day mission trip to Nicaragua
6 months of vision therapy (twice a week)
3 sessions at a Holistic Therapy location (yoga; sensory tools; social group; interactive metronome)
2 family vacations (Myrtle Beach; Great River Road trip)
1 fainting episode and 1 cardiologist appointment

Best purchase in the past year - the hammock swing by a landslide!  He bought it with his own money on the mission trip to Nicaragua, and has used it constantly.  Second place goes to the set of magnetic blocks.  Or maybe this ice cream cone, LOL!

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